LONDON, 2023
On 1st October 2022, hundreds of thousands of working people across the U.K. took to the streets to protest the cost of living crisis, for the Enough Is Enough campaign national day of action.
We have had enough of being forced to choose between a warm house or a hot meal. Enough of dinner ladies crying as they turn away hungry children whose parents can’t afford their lunch, who are returning to classrooms and eating rubbers to fill their stomachs. Enough of old people being denied benefits and later being discovered dead in their freezing homes, surrounded by benefit application forms, with no traces of food found within their bodies. Enough of the richest Prime Minister this country has ever seen, a net worth of £730 million valuing him higher than the new King Charles III, who sits on a throne of rape, murder and theft, continuing the legacy of his dead mother whose funeral drained an estimated £5.4 million of our tax money. How many more people have to appear on national TV begging for change, starving, dying, before something is done? It is not a 'cost of living crisis', it’s the insidious capitalist system working exactly as it was designed to, the premeditated cost for those of us existing as the working class under leaders who have never known humanity.
Enough is enough.
You can join the call to action at www.wesayenough.co.uk